Installing a Package of Bees

This video shows how to install a package of bees into an 8 frame Langstroth brood box.  This video is provided by our sister company, Mountain Sweet Honey Company. Thank you for your business and much success with installing and managing your bees!  

What is the difference between Italian and Carniolan Honey Bees?

This article is focused on the generalities of each bee. As we all know, the queens will ultimately determine the characteristics of the hive. So each hive will ultimately have their own characteristics. We keep a ratio of 50% Italian and 50% Carniolan hives in our bee yards. We do not have a favorite but […]

Colony clustering during the winter season

Recently, I was speaking with a beekeeper in Missouri, we were discussing the subject of why bees move up into the super during the winter months.  I wanted to take a moment and share this conversation with everyone because it is a great discussion matter.  There are several reasons for this happening. The first reason is […]

Picking up your bees or having them shipped? Part 6

Today’s blog will discuss the pro’s and con’s of shipping bees.  This is a necessary form of transporting most bees in the USA. I want to take a look at package bees.  A package of bees is simply a screened plywood box with two screened sides and about 16 oz. of sugar water for the […]

Quality Characteristics of a Nuc – Part 4

You are paying a lot of money for your nuc and you should have a quality nuc in return!  The spectrum of quality control varies from none to excellence.   Let’s start with what a quality nuc looks like.  First, the nuc has matured for 4 weeks plus.  This allows the hive to accept the queen […]

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