When is it time to harvest honey from my hive?

How do I know if my honey frame is ready to be extracted? We receive many questions regarding when to harvest honey during this time of the year!  Let’s step back for a moment and look at the issues of determining when a frame of honey is ready to be extracted.   Examining the Honey Super […]

Harvesting Honey from the hive – Video

Many times the new beekeeper is faced with harvesting honey for the first time and not knowing what to do.  This is a step-by-step video in helping you harvest your honey from your hive.        

Why is Goldenrod so important for your bees?

In the South, Goldenrod is basically the last true nectar and pollen source for your bees for the season. Goldenrod tends to mature at different stages.  In our area, we can expect a 4 week to 6 week Goldenrod maturity.  The Goldenrod is NOT a real marketable honey.  The honey actually has a bitter smell […]

Carniolan Honey Bee Temperament

Here is the short story on how I started raising Carniolan bees.  I ordered about 50 Italian queens and was accidently shipped 50 Carniolan queens.  I decided that I would step ahead with these Carniolan queens and learn about these bees.  This journey was very interesting.  The start of Spring looked disastrous due to the […]

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